This website is aimed at Christians, those who have trusted Jesus as their personal Savior, and who know they should be doing more to share Jesus with others.

Our “marching orders” came from Jesus 2,000 years ago: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations . . .” (Matthew 28:19).

But then we come up with excuses:

“We pay our pastor to do that.”

“I just don’t have time. You don’t know how busy I am.”

“I know that I should be sharing the gospel with others . . . but how do I do it?”

“Who??? Me???”

“What if my friends get mad at me?”

“I’ve always been shy.”

“I just don’t know what to say.”

The goal of this website is to give Christians the easiest method ever to share the gospel.  You don’t even have to leave home.  Hence the name of this website: “Easy Gospel Share.”